----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Erskine" <mic...@kaballero.com>
To: "CALEA Questions" <caleaquesti...@wispa.org>
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA CALEA Questions] [WISPA] Trango and CALEA

> CALEA prevents even the WISP from over collecting.  We are no longer 
> permitted to tap any communications in our own networks except for the 
> purposes of satisfying a subpoena, a Title 3, or CALEA action or for 
> maintainance purposes.  We are now, because of CALEA, under exactly the 
> same intercept constraints as the telcos.  Your tap may run in 
> permissive mode; however, if you interpret the statue strictly, you have 
> to filter at the tap in the software.  Hence my concern that the vendors 
> get WCS-IPNA implemented post haste.  Other solutions are too pricey for 
> the little guys.  We need OpenCALEA yesterday.
> just my two.
> -m-
> Jesse Norell wrote:
>> On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 08:32 -0700, Jesse Norell wrote:
>>>> So as long as you offer the data they ask regardless of what you
>>>> actually collect that is acceptable?
>>>   Correct, you can "over collect" data, then you filter out just what
>>> you need and only give them that.  And if you're following a standard
>>> like WCS-IPNA, you would make/record the checksums on only the data
>>> you
>>> present the LEA.
>>   I guess I'll qualify that permissibility to overcollect with the
>> requirements of the standard you're following.  Eg. the CableLabs CBIS
>> does not allow it (see 5.1.6 Isolation).  But (from memory) the CALEA
>> law does not prohibit that approach; it does require that you be capable
>> of "103(a)(4) facilitating .. interceptinos .. in a manner that protects
>> (A) the privacy and security of communications and call-identifying
>> information not authorized to be intercepted," hence the WCS-IPNA
>> standard (and all others) don't allow you to present that overcollected
>> data to the LEA(*).
>> Jesse
>> (*) there is a controversial nat-in-the-ap exemption in wcs-ipna that
>> will expire soon that violates this point
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