I have been hearing a lot of chatter over the last 2 months about 802.11y.
I¹m not sure if I missed a thread about it or not, but what are the general
thoughts? I just answered a question on LinkedIn about it. Here¹s the
question and here¹s my answer to start the convo:

Will the new 802.11y standard affect the sales of proprietary WiMAX
equipment? Since 802.11y gear operate in the 3650 - 3700 MHz band in the US,
and it's based on WiFi, isn't it a better alternative to all that expensive
WiMAX gear?

My Answer:
I think that if they are brought to market at the right price point, they
will definitely offer an alternative to WiMAX / LTE basestations, especially
for smaller WISPs and self-maintained users. The buzz that I have heard form
these groups since the frequency announcements has always been around a 3650
product that is not WiMAX so that it is less expensive. When you couple
802.11 with the output power of this frequency set and the contention based
protocols for backoff to allow it to "play nicer", I think it could be the
start of something great. I really think the price point is going to be the
determining factor though.

What are y¹alls thoughts on Y? Here¹s a link to the Wikipedia entry for more

Also, have any vendors come out and said they will support Y? I can¹t think
of any off the top of my head...

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!


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