25 or 250 MHz?

Sent from my Motorola Startac...

On Feb 8, 2009, at 4:22 PM, "Brian Webster" <bwebs...@wirelessmapping.com 
 > wrote:

> Looks like there is 25 MHz of unlicensed spectrum at 24 GHz for PTP  
> use. I
> wonder if these radios could get FCC certified using PTP rules like  
> Navini
> and SkyPilot did? That would make for an interesting change in the  
> landscape
> for urban markets. Granted you would only have one channel but at 24  
> GHz
> frequency reuse would be easily done. Terrain and buildings could do  
> wonders
> for containing the signal.
> Thank You,
> Brian Webster
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org]on
> Behalf Of Gino Villarini
> Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 2:38 PM
> To: Motorola Canopy User Group; WISPA List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] [Motorola II] Thinking out of the box ... Gigabit
> already dug up some info:
> http://www.jrc.co.jp/eng/product/26g_fwa/index.html
> 16qam 80 mbps in a 30 mhz
> Gino A. Villarini
> g...@aeronetpr.com
> Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
> tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
> ________________________________
> From: motorola-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:motorola-boun...@wispa.org]  
> On
> Behalf Of Brian Webster
> Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 3:23 PM
> To: Motorola Canopy User Group; WISPA List
> Subject: Re: [Motorola II] Thinking out of the box ... Gigabit PTMP?
>    Fibertower owns a lot of the LMDS spectrum that they acquired when
> they bought First Avenue Networks. First Avenue acquired the spectrum
> which was the old WinStar and Teligent stuff. From what I understand
> there are still a few people who have warehouses of that old  
> equipment.
> Fibertower was in the business of leasing that spectrum but they
> stopped. I tried to negotiate a deal when I was at EarthLink to do a
> nationwide lease with them. They have both 24 and 39 GHz spectrum with
> the 39 being almost nationwide
> http://www.fibertower.com/corp/solutions-spectrum.shtml. The problem
> with this spectrum is available equipment. For the EarthLink deal the
> plan was to use the 24 GHz spectrum. Japan Radio Corp (JRC) has a PTMP
> solution with CPE's in a form factor very similar in size to Canopy.  
> We
> would have gone through the FCC cert process for those if the rest of
> the deal had gone through. While we were talking Fibertower did a 180
> and said they weren't going to look at leasing anymore. My thought was
> they got greedy and figured if EarthLink was going to be able to do  
> it,
> they should do it themselves. Didn't pan out for them though.
>    There are still many private LMDS licenses that could probably be
> bought or leased cheaply. With no equipment available that spectrum  
> has
> lost it's value. I'm sure JRC would spin up some product if the market
> showed some interest. Maybe with the new map other manufactures  
> could be
> encouraged to do so as well. I don't recall any of the product details
> or the throughput but those are the places I would start on this  
> quest.
> I think this is a great idea and one which should be pursued. It would
> be great to show the government that WISP's will make the most of of
> whatever is at hand and make it a profitable growing business, nit  
> just
> speculate on spectrum to resell or to build up a marginal business and
> position it to sell (Nextel anyone...). I'm really getting tired of  
> the
> "Flip this House" mentality in the licensed wireless world.  
> Artificially
> inflated financials with very few who have actually proven their own
> business plan before they sell it to the next sucker (Sprint
> anyone...)... I could rant for a long time on the issue but I'll spare
> everyone.
>    As difficult as it is to deal in unlicensed spectrum, it has some
> serious advantages. As long as you play within the rules there aren't
> big players and government always trying to create winners and losers.
> With unlicensed you can quietly go about building an industry and go
> undetected (like the WISP industry if you look at congress today).  
> Maybe
> it's time to get creative and do something with free space optics  
> and 60
> GHz to build up some sort of PTMP solution? Today you know there are
> certain spectrum bands you have access to right now. You don't need to
> wait for the winds of political change to gain access. While working
> towards WISP protected spectrum is a good thing, it's just as smart to
> focus efforts on the bird in hand. Look at White Spaces. They have
> pushed that off till June. It will be nice when it's available but  
> don't
> hold your breath or your innovation waiting for it. Create innovation
> now with what we have.
>    This stuff won't be sub $100 CPE's. There is not enough
> manufacturing scale to do so but the costs required to do this with
> subsidized efforts by the government might make it cheaper than one
> thinks. This probably won't work for the extreme rural areas where the
> household density make it hard to justify much of any technology and
> still make a profit, but looking at the WISP map I see we have many
> operators who easily live in densely populated areas to justify  
> projects
> such as this. I saw it's time for innovation. NEVER say NEVER when it
> comes to technology. Almost always you will be proven wrong in time, I
> know I have been on a number of things.
> Thank You,
> Brian Webster
>    -----Original Message-----
>    From: motorola-boun...@wispa.org
> [mailto:motorola-boun...@wispa.org]on Behalf Of Gino Villarini
>    Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 11:34 AM
>    To: Motorola Canopy User Group
>    Cc: WISPA General List
>    Subject: [Motorola II] Thinking out of the box ... Gigabit PTMP?
>    Today i have been pondering the idea to provide a wireless
> alternative to FTTH...
>    At least a short range  (up to 1 mile) 100 - 500 mbps wireless
> PTMP system to the home to provide triple play services.
>    With todays current products, I ll say it cant be done... but is
> there an alterenative?
>    Couple of ideas came in to my mind ...
>    Rebirth of LMDS?  AFAIK LMDS has not had great success on the
> states, spectrum was bidded, some gear was tested... no big networks
> were built ...but all this was almost 10 years ago, with today
> technology could a cost effective platform be developed to provide
> GIgabit PTMP on LMDS?  MIMO Radio + 256qam + big spectrum means big
> bandwidth
>    PTMP 24 ghz?  Could a PTMP UL 24 ghz be developed?  upconvert
> and bond multiple 802.11n based links with a polling mac?
>    Anyone would like to add something?
>    Gino A. Villarini
>    g...@aeronetpr.com
>    Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
>    tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
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