Before I get started with my cause and reason for sending this email I
want to apologize if this email is deemed inappropriate for this list. I
feel like over the years of being a member of WISPA and this list I have
come to appreciate each of you as a type of online family member so I
hope I do not offend or waste any of your time. I asked the WISPA board
for permission before sending this email and I truly appreciate their
consideration and thoughtfulness in allowing me to post this completely
unrelated list topic. I also wanted to give each of you a chance to join
in this cause as many of you or friends and family unfortunately may
have been touch personally by this disease.
My wife and her best friend Kim walked the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
3-day 60 mile walk in 2002 when Kim was diagnosed with breast cancer and
fighting the disease. She was in remission for almost 5 years when she
was diagnosed again. Kimberly Teems Marques lost her life in May of 2008
at the age of 42.
Last October my wife Gayle and 5 other friends and family walked the
Tampa Breast Cancer 3-day again, in her memory as Team Kimpossible. I
spent the weekend in Tampa cheering them on the entire way. The event
was so inspirational in it's cause, magnitude, and the walkers' sheer
passion that I felt compelled to participate as a walker this year.
Aside from the challenge of walking 60 miles in 3-days, each walker is
required to raise $2300 in order to walk. I have been funneling most of
my contacts to my wife's fund raising efforts since she is much more
connected to this than I am, and as a result, I am going to be
struggling to raise my $2300. What I don't raise of the $2300 comes out
of my pocket. The motivation for doing this is far greater than the risk
of not raising all the funds so I am not giving up! J
Some of you may be touched and motivated to make a monetary donation to
our effort. If so, there is a link in the signature of my email and
every $1 is greatly appreciated. Many of you have websites and or your
own audience via Social Network sites. Helping us spread the word and
cause via those outlets would also be greatly appreciated. We are trying
to attract sponsors for fundraising events, raffle prizes etc and as you
well know, the more traffic we can show, the better our justification
for sponsorship. More information on how to help us on Facebook or your
website can be found via the
<>  site. See the right hand column link for
"Spread the Word."
Thank you all very much for your time.
If you respond to this email, to prevent any further off-topic emails to
the list, please reply to me directly. I feel I am stretching the list
etiquette as it is sending this.
Thank you all,

Visit to view pictures from the 2008 3-Day
60 mile walk in Tampa.



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