
> This has never been an issue for
> me.  Nobody has ever asked.  I know, without question, that WISPCON,
> ISPCON, MUM, IT Expo and COMDEX do not require this

Well, I can tell you for ISPCON it was standard proceedure, and the release 
document was in the speaker package online that was supposed to be signed.
I actually remember one case, when I was on the advisory committee, where 
Tim Sanders was unwilling to sign, because all his presentations were 
copywrited, and he was given permission not to have to share his slides.

 > Yeah, so what?  You mean to say that if you just tell them "we aren't
> recording", they will reveal something that they would not do if a
> session were being recorded?  How can you assure them that their
> competitors would not be in attendance at the LIVE seminar?  Oh, wait,
> you can't.  Maybe they will be no more likely to reveal corporate
> secrets whether recorded or not.  Wait, that last sentence is EXACTLY
> what I said the first time.  Maybe this time you will read the rest of
> the message.

Most professional that put on Webinars require that the attendees identify 
themselves to register, so Vendors do know who is in the audience.
(Good examples are Alvarion Webinars).

> 1. IF this is a session being promoted by WISPA for it's membership,
> then any vendor asked to present should be TOLD that we WILL be
> recording and providing the session for current and FUTURE members.
> 2. IF any vendor cannot live with reality number 1, then they should not
> be allowed to participate in these sessions.

I guess the difference between you and me is that I dont just "tell them the 
way its going to be". I generally work with my partners to ask and discuss 
how we can make the event better to meet the needs of both parties.   If we 
make it to much of a hassle, they'll just do their own Webinars their own 

Anyway, this is an open list that includes vendors.  I haven't heard any 
vendors chime in with objections, so maybe they are fine with Archiving.
But again, I never said archiving wasn't a good idea, just initially the 
approach was flawed. There is a more clear approach now.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Butch Evans" <but...@butchevans.com>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] WISPA Webinar Announced

> On Sun, 2009-10-25 at 01:48 -0400, Tom DeReggi wrote:
>> How in the world could you distort my comment to mean "vendors are evil"?
>> I made a comment to PROTECT Vendors' interests.
> Here is exactly what I responded to:
>> On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 16:26 -0400, Tom DeReggi wrote:
>> >> If a vendor knows the webinar is public archived, they may hold back
>> >> important information  to protect their strategic interests.
> The idea that a vendor will "hold back important information" is just 
> silly.
> My comment may have been overly "strong", and, if so, I apologize if you
> feel I distorted your statement.  Either way, your later comments did not
> make me (as a vendor) feel like you were attacking (where this one, along
> with MANY of your posts) did/do.
>> It is common practice for radio manufacturers to keep the details of 
>> their
>> products confidential from other competitors in the market space.
> Yeah, so what?  You mean to say that if you just tell them "we aren't
> recording", they will reveal something that they would not do if a
> session were being recorded?  How can you assure them that their
> competitors would not be in attendance at the LIVE seminar?  Oh, wait,
> you can't.  Maybe they will be no more likely to reveal corporate
> secrets whether recorded or not.  Wait, that last sentence is EXACTLY
> what I said the first time.  Maybe this time you will read the rest of
> the message.
>> Atleast 50% of the manufacturers I have delt with over the years have 
>> asked
>> for NDAs before sending me a manual, detailed feature set, or price 
>> sheet.
> Not sure who you've dealt with, but MOST of the vendors (in particular,
> UBNT, who we are talking about for the first session) posts this
> information on their website.
>> It is ONLY RESPECTFUL to ask the vendors presenting whether they DO or DO
>> NOT want their Q&A / presentations archived.
> 1. IF this is a session being promoted by WISPA for it's membership,
> then any vendor asked to present should be TOLD that we WILL be
> recording and providing the session for current and FUTURE members.
> 2. IF any vendor cannot live with reality number 1, then they should not
> be allowed to participate in these sessions.
> This is really a simple formula to follow.  That is, after all, the
> whole purpose for WISPA promoting these events.
>> These presentations are Q&A where the vendors are likely to get 
>> blind-sided
>> by questions that they might not be prepared to answer optimally.
>> Q&A is great for the WISP attendees, but the vendor may not want their
>> non-optimal unprepaired answers to be the ones Posted to the wide world 
>> of
>> Membership to permanently judge them by.
> This is pretty simple, too.  The archives will be placed on a WIKI.
> That being the case, we can simply permit the vendors to make comments
> directly below the link to the recording.
>> As a matter of fact, every conference that I have ever spoken at, had a
>> proceedure for getting a paper signed that the presentation would or
>> wouldn't be able to be archived for future read.
> I have spoken at a LOT of conferences.  This has never been an issue for
> me.  Nobody has ever asked.  I know, without question, that WISPCON,
> ISPCON, MUM, IT Expo and COMDEX do not require this.  Many of those
> record (or did) sessions.  I have never signed a release.
>> I didn't say archiving was a BAD idea? I didn't say Vendors wouldn't want 
>> it
>> done. I said we shouldn't assume they do and archive it without 
>> permission
>> or release.
> Read my 2 points above.  If someone does not want to offer this as a
> member benefit, then they should participate in WISPA in another way.
> It seems pretty simple to me.
> -- 
> ********************************************************************
> * Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
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