
I was being lectured by some do-gooder online for my rotten morality, and my 
answer to him was...

"So, I have invested my entire life savings, toiled for 4 years without a 
paycheck to put all the cash back into the business, and have worked more 
hours than can ever be accounted for.   My phone is on 24/7, people feel 
free to call me from 5 AM to midnight, and expect me to respond, even if 
it's a holiday weekend.    Nobody paid insurance for me,  I get no vacation, 
I have no right to unemployment should I go broke,  but yet I face liability 
and lawsuits if someone finds themselves inconvenienced.   I have no right 
to a paycheck, compensation, health care, nor ANYTHING most employers pay to 

But yet, after I've invested my whole life, sacrificed everything from 
Christmas dinners to family vacations to marital happiness (should hear the 
wife when I have to work and she had other ideas!), but should some person 
with dubious skills, no experience, possibly no loyalty to me or my business 
come to me and I see fit to take a chance on trading money for his time, I 
have a moral obligation to give him things I don't have myself?    I OWE him 
not laying him off, unlimited expenditures for training, health care 
insurance, paid time off for vacations and assorted other benefits?

The twit in question then berated me for being a selfish capitalist.   I'm 
supposed to do this without ever a thought to my own benefit, just do it for 
everyone else.

At that point, I've given up on the "entitlement" crowd.   As far as I am 
concerned, anyone who thinks ANY need is a "right" to demand someone else 
provide is deficient, both in morality and in decency.    I have a right to 
just one thing in this world - to breath.    Everything else is either 
earned, or given out of generosity.    I am NOT your slave, you have no 
right whatsoever to ANYTHING I do, no matter how fancy your argument about 
how you want to live without stress or worry at the expense of others. 
And I have no right to anything of yours, either.

From: "RickG" <>
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 8:27 PM
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Insurance....

> When you own a business, you take a huge risk using a lot of blood, sweat,
> tears, time away from the family, worrying about the baby. Then you have 
> to
> fight for it because all they want to do is take it away. It changes your
> perspective on life and the order of things.

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