Forgive me if I'm reading the report wrong but isnt "deprived" a strong word
considering the take rate according to the report is only 75%? My take rate
here is only about 20% of the LOS customers. Most people here either dont
want it or cant afford it. So, why waste resources building out to them?

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Jack Unger <> wrote:

>  Sure coverage is "increasing" but that's just a distraction. The issue is
> that the current level of home broadband Internet access is way too low and
> millions of people are deprived of Internet access at home (or in a
> home-based business). The article is nothing more than a thinly-veiled hit
> piece for the telcos. Without saying so, the article argues for keeping
> millions living in the past, without having the benefits of the Internet to
> improve their lives. This is as clear as the nose on my face. (No, a picture
> is NOT attached) :)
> jack
> Jeff Broadwick wrote:
> I don't think it ignores that, it is suggesting that the private sector is
> in the process of closing that gap, without government "investment" and/or
> intervention.
> I don't believe that it is arguable that coverage is increasing...that's the
> net effect of the whole WISP industry.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> Jeff Broadwick
> ImageStream
> 800-813-5123 x106     (US/Can)
> +1 574-935-8484 x106  (Int'l)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ 
> <>] On
> Behalf Of Jack Unger
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:28 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] From Today's WSJ
> Sorry but this article (accidentally or intentionally) misses or (more
> likely) ignores the point that 24 or more million occupied American
> households have no access to broadband. The WSJ is merely a mouthpiece
> (especially now that Rupurt Murdoch owns it) for the telcos.
> jack
> Jeff Broadwick wrote:
> ml?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop
>     * JANUARY 20, 2010
> A 'National Broadband Plan'
> One more solution in search of a problem.
> The Federal Communications Commission recently told Congress that it
> will miss a February deadline for delivering a "national broadband
> plan" and requested a one-month extension. If it keeps missing
> deadlines, nearly everyone in the U.S. might soon have high-speed
>  Internet.
>  As part of last year's stimulus package, Congress asked the FCC for a
> plan to ensure that everybody in the country has access to broadband.
> That's a worthy goal, but the idea of a government plan is based on a
> false presumption that the spread of broadband is stalled. The reality
> is that broadband adoption continues apace, as does the quality and
> speed of Internet connections.
> Between 2000 and 2008, residential broadband subscribers grew to 80
> million from five million, according to a study by Bret Swanson of
> Entropy Economics. Broadband penetration among active Internet users
> at home is 94%, and nearly 99% of U.S. workers connect to the Internet
> with broadband. A typical cable modem today is 10 times faster than a
> decade ago. Wireless bandwidth growth per capita has been no less
> impressive, showing a 500-fold increase since 2000.
> Meanwhile, U.S. information and communications technology investment
> in 2008 alone totalled $455 billion, or 22% of all U.S. capital
> investment. Nominal capital investment in telecom between 2000 and
> 2008 was more than $3.5 trillion.
> Those who favor more government control of the Internet ignore this
> private progress and point to international rankings. According to
> OECD estimates, the U.S. ranks 15th in the world in broadband
> penetration per capita. But because household sizes differ from
> country to country, and the U.S. has relatively large households, the
> per capita figures can be misleading. A better way to gauge wired
> broadband connections is per household, not per person. By that measure
>  the U.S. ranks somewhere between 8th and 10th.
>  Such comparisons will soon be moot in any case because broadband
> penetration is growing rapidly in all OECD countries. The Technology
> Policy Institute notes that "at the current rates of broadband
> adoption the U.S. is behind the leaders only by a number of months,
> and all wealthy OECD countries will reach a saturation point within the
>  next few years."
>  Even the Obama Justice Department seems to reject the broadband market
> failure thesis. "In any industry subject to significant technological
> change, it is important that the evaluation of competition be
> forward-looking rather than based on static definitions of products
> and services," said the Antitrust Division in a January 4 filing to
> the FCC. "In the case of broadband services, it's clear that the
> market is shifting generally in the direction of faster speeds and
>  additional mobility."
>  Justice concludes that while "enacting some form of regulation to
> prevent certain providers from exercising monopoly control may be tempting
>  . . .
>  care must be taken to avoid stifling the infrastructure investments
> needed to expand broadband access."
> No matter, the default position of the Obama Administration is that
> little useful happens without government, so the FCC is busy planning.
> Chairman Julius Genachowski is sympathetic to net neutrality
> regulations that would prevent Internet service providers from using
> differentiated pricing to manage Web traffic. Liberal interest groups
> like Public Knowledge and Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet
> and Society are urging the agency to reinstitute "open access"
> mandates that would force cable operators and phone companies to share
> their infrastructure with rivals at government-set prices.
> The irony is that the private investment and innovation of recent
> years have occurred in the wake of the FCC rolling back similar rules
> that held back telecom in the 1990s. Consumers continue to have access
> to more and more broadband services, while Google, YouTube, iTunes,
> Facebook and Netflix originated in the U.S.
> Doesn't the Obama Administration have enough to do than mess with a
> part of the U.S. economy that is working well?
> Regards,
> Jeff
> Jeff Broadwick
> Sales Manager, ImageStream
> 800-813-5123 x106     (US/Can)
> +1 574-935-8484 x106  (Int'l)
> +1 574-935-8488       (Fax)
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