On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 09:54, Scott Reed <scottr...@onlyinternet.net>wrote:

> The USC site the Brian found last night does it all.
> Submit a database, get back a database with your lat, lon, county fips
> and tract.

How accurate is it, though? We actually tried something similar to that, and
when we started reviewing and sanity-checking its output, got maybe 50%
accuracy. Nearly 100% accurate in city areas, much lower for our rural
customers. I ended up having one of my techs basically re-do the whole thing
by hand over the course of a couple quiet Saturdays. At that time, we had
around 1000 addresses to geocode, so it was feasible, but it might not be so
for larger outfits.

"Trust, but verify."

David Smith

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