
Telecom giant challenges FCC role in broadband
By Cecilia Kang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 25, 2010; A14 

One of the nation's biggest telecommunications providers urged the Federal
Communications Commission on Wednesday not to assert its authority over
Internet services, a challenge that comes as the agency embarks on a 10-year
effort to greatly expand broadband access across the country.

Verizon Communications said that the FCC's power over high-speed Internet
services is "at best murky" and offered recommendations to Congress that
could take away much of the agency's power.

Tom Tauke, Verizon's top lobbyist, urged lawmakers to rethink the way the
government oversees broadband, arguing that the FCC should shift to more of
an enforcement role -- like that of the Federal Trade Commission -- from its
current status as a rule-making body.

"In my view, the current statute is badly out of date. Now is the time to
focus on updating the law affecting the Internet," Tauke said in a speech
before a tech policy forum in Washington. "To fulfill broadband's potential,
it's time for Congress to take a fresh look at our nation's communications
policy framework."

Tauke's comments echo recent questions raised about the FCC's jurisdiction
over Internet services. Currently, the agency says it can oversee broadband
providers as part of its supervision of other communications services.
However, that power has been tested by a lawsuit filed against the FCC by
cable giant Comcast that is before a federal appeals court.

There is a growing push within the agency to reclassify broadband as a
common carrier service, meaning Internet service providers would be
regulated like telephone companies. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski told The
Washington Post this month that the agency will continue to fight its case
but that it would consider reclassification if the court determined the
agency doesn't have jurisdiction over broadband.

But telecom and cable companies have balked at the idea of reclassification.
On Wednesday, AT&T issued a statement after Tauke's speech, suggesting that
Congress determine laws for Internet oversight.

"If there are any questions about the authority of the FCC in the Internet
ecosystem, the proper answer is not for the FCC to get adventurous in
interpreting its authority, as some are urging," said AT&T senior vice
president Jim Cicconi.

An FCC spokeswoman declined to comment.

Law professors and analysts said that Congress would probably not take on
the task of writing a new telecommunications law to overhaul the existing
government framework for broadband oversight.

"This is an awfully big hill to climb for Congress this year," said Paul
Gallant, an analyst at Concept Capital research. "But it is probably the
beginning of a serious multi-year discussion about Congress changing the
regulatory landscape for the tech sector."

The public interest group Free Press said Verizon's recommendations could
hurt consumers, who would have a weaker FCC overseeing Internet service

"This speech illustrates the incumbents' desire for a toothless, do-nothing
regulator," said Josh Silver, director of Free Press. "After eight years of
that, consumers are left with higher prices, lower speeds and ever-dwindling

Tauke said that the government shouldn't be light on regulation and that
other Internet-related companies should also be under scrutiny, such as
Google and Yahoo, software makers and manufacturers of Internet-enabled

He said that rule-making shouldn't be the focus on the government entity
that oversees the Web, but that it should be focused on enforcement.

"Instead, we could structure a process that uses the innovative, flexible
and technology-driven nature of the Internet to address issues as they
arise," Tauke said.



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