I too am very much looking forward to the event and sitting on Jack's panel.
I must be pumped if you could see from where I am even sending this message!

If you're sitting on the fence, get off!  It's going to be great.

Friendly Regards,
Mike Gilchrist
Disruptive Technologist
Advanced Wireless Express
P.O. Box 255
Toledo, IA   52342

-----Original Message-----
From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On
Behalf Of Forbes Mercy
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:59 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Note of support for the WISPA Regional Meeting


Thank you for the words of encouragement, the momentum behind this 
meeting has been like a train.  It started as just a get together but 
has grown into something really special that I believe people will be 
kicking themselves for missing afterwards.  Just the board meeting is 
pretty spectacular with our first ever 100% attended meeting and since 
the meeting is happening during an election cycle I'm sure it will be 
the first time WISP's can meet the candidates before actually voting on 
them.  Its obvious this industry was starving for an event like this and 
honestly the feedback from the last Round table session at previous 
shows still has me jazzed.

Yes we have great speakers, a great facility and WISPA totally got 
carried away with feeding the attendees with costs for food actually 
more that the attendance fee per person.  It's our first so everything 
we did we probably over-did from the typically cost conscious shows as 
money wasn't our driving factor, the quality of the meeting meant more 
to the board.  Call it good timing but with the economy slowly 
stabilizing our meeting is just like people taking vacation, they didn't 
last year, now they can't wait this year.  I look forward to seeing you 
and everyone else at what will be a Regional Meeting for the books.

Forbes Mercy
Promotion Committee Chair - WISPA

On 7/6/2010 8:49 AM, Patrick Leary wrote:
> I just wanted to drop a note to the WISPA board and to members after
> reviewing the agenda in detail for the first time. Having done so, I
> believe this to be the best line up of speakers that has ever been
> assembled specifically for a WISP event. It is unusual these days to
> attract a large group of true and interesting luminaries, which in this
> case include Dr. Julie (Julius) Knapp, FCC OET Chief (and long time
> intensive WISP supporter); Michael Calabrese, the heart and soul of the
> New America Foundation and a true "spectrum" political and social voice;
> Doug Karl (those who don't know the histroy of the  "two Dougs" will be
> in for a treat to meet Doug one); and the hard core and stubborn and
> very interesting wireless advocate Dewayne Hendricks.
> Find a way to get to this meeting people. It will be the best and we all
> need good news and to re-double our sense of community in 2010.
> Regards,
> Patrick Leary
> Aperto Networks
> 813.426.4230 mobile
> ple...@apertonet.com
> www.apertonet.com
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