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On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:02 PM, Glenn Kelley <> wrote:
> Yeah - Imagine that.    $17,763 per line!    I wish I had their grant writer
> on staff !
> Via:
> AT&T was insanely profitable in 2009, with $34.4 billion in revenue and
> $12.5 billion in net income. The company even returned most of this cash
> ($9.7 billion) to investors as dividends. So why did the US government
> direct $435 million into the company's coffers?
> Thank (or blame) the Universal Service Fund, which last year collected $7.2
> billion dollars from phone companies—charges that are passed on to
> consumers, often as a separate line item on their bills. The money amounts
> to a 14 percent tax on phone service. It pays for four things: telephone
> service to expensive-to-wire places, subsidies for low-income users,
> computers and Internet access for schools, and telecommunications services
> for rural health care providers.
> Most of the money goes to install and maintain "high-cost" phone service,
> usually in rural areas. The House Energy and Commerce Committee is
> investigating the USF, a notorious pit of inefficiency and error—for
> instance, half the high-cost money paid out in 2009, a full $2 billion, went
> to "rate of return" telcos who are allowed to make an 11.25 percent profit.
> If they don't, the government makes up the difference.
> The FCC has now supplied more detailed USF data to Congress. Among the
> revelations: AT&T has pulled down more than $1.3 billion in USF money over
> the last three years, while Verizon got $1.2 billion and CenturyTel picked
> up $930 million. In return, the companies must provide phone service to
> anyone in their service area who wants it.
> Outrageous? Possibly. The program has been a useful one, making telephone
> service in the US truly ubiquitous, but critics have always charged that
> telcos get far too much cash, or got cash for projects they would have done
> anyway. Cecilia Kang at the Washington Post pointed out some of these
> complaints last week.
> And the new FCC documents certainly provide fodder for critics.
> $17,763 per line
> There's the case of Weavtel, a tiny Washington state telco that raked in
> $301,966 in USF money in 2009—all in order to support 17 copper telephone
> lines. That's an average of $17,763 per line.
> In 2008, the company was paid $188,382 for the 15 phones lines that it
> serviced, for an average of $12,559 per line.
> In 2007, Weavtel supported 14 lines at an average of $16,621 per line.
> Ponder these numbers for a moment. The company had already built the local
> exchange infrastructure needed to handle phone calls in 2007, but it still
> received almost $500,000 over the next two years—and it added service to a
> grand total of three lines in that time.
> In three years, the $700,000 spent on phone service for these 17 residents
> could have been used instead to simply buy sat phones and satellite
> Internet—and pay for service—for the remote community of Stehekin, a place
> so remote that it is bordered by a national forest and is accessible only by
> boat.
> In 2005, Weavtel tried to begin the project and ran into local opposition
> from Stehekin residents (the Seattle Times ran a nice profile of the town at
> the time, explaining the controversy over the phones). In a letter to
> residents (PDF), Weavtel noted "that there is a difference of opinion
> concerning the number of people who want telephone service. It is also clear
> that some people do want service. We have made a business decision that the
> number of people who do want service makes this a viable business
> opportunity."
> Seventeen people paying monthly phone bills isn't much of a "business
> opportunity"... not unless the government directs a few hundred thousand
> dollars a year toward the project (and lets you run your towers and lines
> over federal parkland, as the company requested). Weavtel, in fact,
> collected the most money per line of any telco in the entire US in 2009.
> But still, a case might be made for service to Stehekin, which has never had
> a local exchange. The FCC numbers show, however, that plenty of USF money is
> also being paid out to local telcos in areas that already have plenty of
> cell phone coverage. It's a policy that makes increasingly little sense for
> a program whose basic goal is mere voice connectivity.
> Terral Telephone Company serves rural Oklahoma, and in 2009 it took home
> $1.6 million in USF money to provide service to 246 lines. That's $6,563 per
> line, per year, one of the highest rates in the country.
> Unlike Weavtel, though, Terral's customers have a choice. The FCC points out
> that the company's service area is 100 percent covered by AT&T, Sprint, and
> Verizon. T-Mobile has 95 percent coverage. None of these carriers received
> USF "high-cost" support for this area in 2009.
> Reform a-comin'
> The FCC hopes to (finally) reform many of the worst elements of the USF
> system. In its National Broadband Plan, the agency argued that "rate of
> return" carriers should be eliminated and switched to an incentive-based
> scheme instead. "Rate-of-return regulation was not designed to promote
> efficiency or innovation," says the plan, noting that it was product of the
> 1960s and a world with a single monopoly telco.
> It also wants Sprint and Verizon to "reduce the High-Cost funding they
> receive as competitive ETCs to zero over a five-year period as a condition
> of earlier merger decisions." (Both companies have already agreed to this,
> which could save $500 million a year.)
> Just as importantly, these huge amounts of money won't be used to install
> archaic technology. Instead, the FCC wants to transition USF funding to
> support broadband and fully converged IP networks instead of simple POTS
> service. These proposals have been controversial with just about everyone,
> since they propose only modest speeds of 4Mbps and could also reduce money
> to existing telcos like Weavtel and Terral.
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