If you have 100% Fresnel Zone 1 clearance, instead of 60% FZ1 which is
the usual parameter over land, you are probably good to go.

As these sites are more prone to rust, I would strongly prefer
integrated units instead of dish antennas; Ubiquiti Powerbridge M
comes to mind, both because not having RF cables and connectors to
rust and being dual-polarity.

If you want diversity, consider adding a 900 MHz backup-link to the
5.8 GHz main-link. Stay away from 2.4 GHz, it would only contribute to
global warming... :-)
(Rocket M 900 with two Yagis, may be ?)


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Tom Sharples <tsharp...@qorvus.com> wrote:
> Hi, we need to install an aprox. 8 mile PTP 5.8Ghz link near the Big Island
> in Hawaii. One end will be at about 50ft MSL, while the other end is at
> about 3500ft. The first 4 miles are over water, with rest over moderately
> hilly terrain to a freestanding 50ft tower. The ends have LOS. Ordinarly I'd
> just use a conventional setup with a pair of 2' dish antennas and XR5
> radios, but am considering using dual-polarity feedhorns (or even separate
> dishes) and diversity or dual radios due to the water.  Is this worth the
> effort, or should we just use e.g. horizontal polarity and stick to it?
> Since the one end is much higher than the other I'm thinking this should
> mitigate water effects, but would welcome any opinions.
> Thanks,
> Tom S.
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