At 12/21/2010 09:51 AM, canopy wrote:
>I guess what I don't understand about this whole thing is how much
>traffic one ISP is sending another.  So, if you send me too much
>traffic, you must pay.  I think nearly every WISP on this list is
>receiving more traffic than we are sending AND we are paying for it.
>Why are they not paying us?

As a rhetorical question, sure.

But for the record, the way the Internet really works is that it's a 
free market, and you're allowed to buy your upstream/peering/transit 
from anyone, at the best deal you can make.  If nobody wants to give 
it to you for free, you pay.  If your content looks important enough 
to another provider, they might peer for free.  It's all a mutual 
exchange of value, where money and content are both representations 
of value, and value is totally in the eye of the beholder ("that 
horse is lame!").

Start regulating it and all hell (that is, the place where all the 
lawyers are) breaks loose.

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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