I am sure many of you old trimers to the ISP business remember Jack Rickard,
founder of Boardwatch Magazine, BBSCON which became ISPCON? I am honored to
say that Jack and I have become friends. He and I have brainstormed about
all sorts of whackiness over the last few years.  He has been feverishly
seeking some new "thing" to put his time, money and energy behind to
rekindle that spark of innovation and creation of new and budding industry.
He has found it in converting cars to electric. So....history is repeating
itself in a way. Jack is now doing a weekly Internet "TV" show he calls the
Friday Show on his website at http://evtv.me . It is free so you might want
to check it out. He is also working on a conference for those who are
converting their own cars to electric. Jack is still full of the same
excitement and energy as he has always had. His new focus is interesting and
I just wanted to share it with the rest of you. I am actually hoping to do
my own conversion one day. I apologize that this is not really on topic for
a wireless Internet list but I know Jack's efforts were a big part of many
of your lives and so I thought it was appropriate to share it here.
John Scrivner

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jack Rickard <mjrick...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:30 AM
Subject: Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention EVCCON
To: John <j...@mvn.net>

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 Writer/Director Chris Paine's documentary feature film "*Who Killed the
Electric Ca*r?" premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2006 before its
release by Sony Pictures to critical acclaim in 100 U.S. markets.  The film
was the third highest-grossing theatrical documentary of 2006 and screened
with "*An Inconvenient Truth"* in many markets.

 The film was written and directed by Chris Paine, and produced by Jessie
Deeter, and executive produced by Tavin Marin Titus, Richard D. Titus of
Plinyminor and Dean Devlin, Kearie Peak, Mark Roskin, and Rachel Olshan of
Electric Entertainment.  The film grossed over $1.75 million - a large
number for independent documentaries of this type.

 Currently in wide DVD release, Paine's film investigates the events leading
to the quiet destruction of thousands of new, radically efficient electric
vehicles. Through interviews and narrative, the film paints a picture of an
industrial culture whose aversion to change and reliance on oil may be
deeper then its ability to embrace ready solutions.
 *Who Killed the Electric Car?* and Chris Paine were nominated by the
Writer's Guild for Best Documentary of 2006. The film also received
nominations from The Broadcast Critics Awards and The Environmental Media
Awards for Best Documentary of 2006. The film won the audience award at the
Canberra International Film Festival and won a special jury prize at the
Mountain Film Festival.

 Festivals and Awards

 1) Nominated: Best Documentary - Environmental Media Awards (2006)
 2) Won - Special Jury Prize Mountain Film (Telluride) (2006)
 3) Nominated Writers Guild: Best Documentary
 4) Nominated Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, 2007 Best Doc.
 5) Won - Audience Award at the Canberra International Film Festival.

 The film screened at the following Film Festivals:

 San Francisco Film Festival
 Sundance Film Festival
 Deauville Film Festival
 Seattle Film Festival
 Los Angeles Film Festival
 Canberra Film Festival  Tribeca Film Festival
 Berlin International Film Festival
 Atlanta Film Festival
 Newport Film Festival
 Mountain Film Festival

 Sony marketed *Who Killed The Electric Car?* in over 100 theatrical markets
to become the third highest grossing documentary in 2007. Netflix now lists
nearly 150,000 ratings of the  DVD release from renting customers. Over 400
reviews have been written on Neflix and it is in their Top Ten List of
"important movies you should see."
 Thanks to the massive push behind *An Inconvenient Truth* (they were a
trailer for that film in theaters) and internet word of mouth, this West
LA-produced documentary reached people around the world and helped inspire

 The success of *Who Killed the Electric Car?*  rather goes beyond electric
cars.  It has been an inspiration to independent producers of documentaries
and with the advent of video on the Internet, has led to an entire movement
of video production marketed around the large distributors, such as Sony,
with numerous other documentaries gaining an audience directly.

 Pain has been working on a sequel *Revenge of the Electric Car*.  This is
scheduled for release April 22nd at the Tribeca film festival in New York.

 I found the original documentary a bit far from unbiased, and strangely
naive.  Having worked in large corporations, I almost view conspiracy
theories as almost an anthropomorphism of corporations.   After you see a
large corporation go through five CEO's in seven years, and with
"reorganization" become a ritualized annual event, it dawns on you that
there is really no one home in these entities.  No one is in charge.  Chaos
largely reigns. And assigning any particular point of view or mission would
be viewed almost as a joke within the organization.  Cubicle city doesn't
really have a leader, a mission, or a point of view.  It just is.  And it
lives to continue to live, turning on any perceived threat with the same
reptilian focus and process.  It is what it is, but an intelligent
"conspiracy" it is not.  And a secret  is an absurdity in organizations that
thrive on rumor at the water cooler.

 So I personally found Paine's view in *Who Killed the Electric Car?* almost
painfully naive - a child mind's view of the world.

 That's a little bit in conflict with the fact that the mission and intent
of the film is definitely one I share.  I think the adoption of electric
drive in transportation is a heroic imperative with a very deadly clock
running against it, the only hope to avoid a worldwide financial meltdown of
unprecedented proportions - a 20 year depression with the collapse of banks
and financial institutions world wide.  This dark picture is so completely
detailed in my mind, that I normally don't even speak of it as it almost
doesn't matter and most of our viewers would dismiss it as total madness and
irrationality on my part.

 But I'm also very intrigued by how techno-social change actually occurs.  I
was in a privvy position to watch this first hand over the course of a
couple of decades with the development of the Internet, and I'm profoundly
moved by the difference between how most people THINK change is achieved and
how it is actually achieved.   The latter being by large scale rather slowly
developing grass roots movements led by key individuals.

 And I almost view it as all part of God's plan.  We really can't have a
society where we completely retool our communications infrastructure, at an
expense of hundreds of billions of dollars, because somebody has a good idea
or because some fad concept becomes the object of desire at the moment.

 Similarly, we cannot spend a trillion dollars on retooling our
transportation infrastructure based on such notions.

 And so we wind up with a governments, existing businesses, automobile
manufacturers and oil companies all fighting  with all the tools they
command to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO.   And we have a small, but growing army
of "fringe" people, all working on the concept of electric vehicles.  It is
THEIR job to maintain the status quo.   It is OUR job to wrest change in
that status quo.  And all is right with the world.

 Picture a hive of ants where 95% of the ants work to maintain the anthill
against all comers and against all change.  But they always maintain 5% of
their population as scouts and foragers always looking for new ways to find
food or improve the anthill.  If they stumble on an idea for change so
persuasive, members of the 95% start to defect.  At some critical mass, the
anthill suddenly adopts.  Where that tipping point occurs is very
interesting.  But we have seen all of this play out in just this way with
the INternet.  And I think we will with electric transportation as well.

 But we might have to revise what electric transportation IS and what it
means several thousand times along the way until it becomes irresistable to
the anthill.

 In the meantime, our government, our automotive manufacturers, and the oil
companies are doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING.  And we're
doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing.  There is no evil.  THere is
no conspiracy.  It just is what it is and it works this way for good and
varied reasons emerging over tens of thousands of years of human

 The way I think of this is that there are 166,000 gasoline stations with a
vested interest in selling gasoline.  All 50 states tax gasoline and
cummulatively derive $25 billion in annual revenues from it.  The United
States government also taxes gasoline and derives another $25 billion from
it.  The five largest and most profitable corporations on the planet are all
oil companies and EACH of them generate more annual revenues than 90% of the
COUNTRIES in the world.  The entire middle east is economically ENTIRELY
based on oil production.

 On OUR team we have a few hundred guys with a mad on willing to part with
the ducats to put LiFePo4 cells in a car and thus gain a vehicle for
themselves, some independence from the problem, and the ability to show
others how to do the same.  They do all this in sheds and garages with hand
tools. Virtually none of them have sufficient capital to start a hot dog
stand.  It's all gesture.  And a single car.

 So how come I feel like we have the larger team surrounded?

 Because we do.  Everytime they show their car, we add another couple of
hundred.  At some point it will be 10,000, then 100,000, then a million.  At
that point, it will start to grow.  Addictive and contagious.

 But in doing EVTV, I get a chance to talk to a LOT of people who are
intensely passionate about electric cars.  They are so passionate, that they
devote multiple tens of thousands of hard earned ducats to build their own,
none really being otherwise available for sale.  This is like an ARMY of
those scout ants and they are IMPASSIONED about it.  They REALLY want it.  I
have seen that fire in the eye before - the early Internauts.  And I have
seen it play out.

 If you do not fear it, you are simply unaware - a non sentient.  Be afraid.
Be very afraid.  When tens of thousands of people worldwide all begin
swirling around one dream, with that LEVEL of intense of passion, you have
already loosed the hounds of hell.    It is a force that cannot be resisted
and its growth feeds on itself.  The religion spreads.  It is both addictive
and contagious.  And ultimately large corporations and governments, NEVER a
source of innovation and change, are totally helpless to stop it.  AFTER
adoption, they can only scramble around to rewrite history to show that
indeed THEY INVENTED IT.  Which is why the misunderstanding of how change

 In order to transition from defending the status quo, to defending a NEW
status quo, you HAVE to have invented the new status quo.  And so our work
is not done, until they wrest history away from us, and indeed present it as
an accomplishment of corporations and governments.  Only when we are
conveniently marginalized and forgotten  do we win completely.   Nature of
the beast.

 Of course, by then, most of us, being natural scout ants, are on to the
next big change thing.

 And that's pretty much where I've lived my life - with nearly unerring
accuracy.  You can pretty much bet electric vehicles are the next big thing
because Jack Rickard showed up to pray over it.  I didn't event it.  And I'm
not going to do it.  I'm just here to pray over it and tell everybody about
it.  I claim no authorship of any of it nor the Internet.  I'm just really
good at showing up at the right time at the next big thing.  Once it's not
NEXT, I move on.

 In a strange way, so is Chris Paine.  Among ALL The people I talk to about
electric cars, I always ask what interested them first in this.  Of course,
the very few old hands all have interesting stories about that.  But among
the vast majority, and I would say 80% of everyone I talk to, they ALL
mention the 2006 film <b>Who Killed the Electric Car<i></i></b>.  It is
almost bizarre.  I would rate this film, as THE most influential documentary
ever made and THE major influence among our viewers to initiate their
interest in electric vehicles.

 Since announcing EVCONN (was it three weeks ago????) we've already received
37 paid registrations and 12 people bringing cars.  I know that doesn't seem
like many. But  I've done a lot of trade show conventions actually.  We ran
BBSCON/ISPCON from 1992 through 1998 twice a year. It went from 100 guys to
6000 all paying $695 and in the end featured 225 educational sessions in
three days.  (No, that's not a typo).  But I've never really seen a takeoff
on a new show like this.  I know it seems like few at the moment, but as I
say, I've done this before.  We have more registered NOW than I planned to
have at the event at all.  And it is scheduled for SIX full months away.  If
I had to guess, at the moment I would say 750 attendees and 40 cars.  And I
may have underestimated THAT.  It appears the desire for a show of THEIR OWN
about CONVERTING cars was kind of a pregnant idea - thank you Eric Kriss.
 I'm embarassed it wasn't my idea.

 So we're not going to have an electric car show or convention.  We're going
to have one very specifically about CONVERTING YOUR OWN CAR to electric
drive.  That's to be the focus and entire subject.  It is not going to be an
OEM show or a feel good show.  Hard info on how to and why to - by the
people who do and know how to do.   Not the sheeples who want to buy one or
think they are cool.  The guys who will go to their own garage and build
their own goddamn car, -  lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

 But it is incumbent on me to make it the best convention I can.  ANd in
considering the topic of headline speakers, I keep coming back to Chris
Paine and "*Who Killed the Electric Car*".

 This morning i signed a contract engaging Mr. Paine to come address the
attendees of the first Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention EVCONN.  On
Thursday evening, September 22nd, we intend to hold a catered barbecue and
beer event at 7:00 PM in my backyard overlooking the Mississippi river, with
perhaps a tasting for a few from the illicit distillery in the garage
(medicinal purposes) and a bonfire.  I will introduce Mr. Paine as the
Keynote speaker for EVCONN and he will stand and deliver an emotionally
charged speech of such inspirational nature you will never have heretofor

 Kewl, eh?

 And besides -  I think you'll actually like Stag beer.  More to come.

 Jack Rickard

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 Sed ut persp iciatis unde omnis natus doloremque.

 Sed ut persp iciatis unde omnis natus doloremque.
   [image: Shadow]

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