At 11/23/2011 12:07 PM, Tom DeReggi wrote:

Nexrad versus TDWR?

At Wundersground the radar maps show yellow Xs for TDWR and white Xs for Nexrad.

What are Nexrad radars? Any worry about interferring with those? What freq do they use?

Good question. I poked around and found that NEXRAD operates on 2.7 to 3 GHz, so it's not anywhere TDWR. It has a peak pulse power of 750 kilowatts, but a low duty cycle, so it's average output is around 1.5 kW.

One other observation: In the picture, the false signal seems to be in the southwest. Having been in Las Vegas recently ;-) ISTM that the airport is just east of The Strip. It's possible that one of the large buildings on the southern part of The Strip is the trouble spot, maybe a private link that some bozo installed, not a WISP. I do hope it is tracked down soon.

 Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
 ionary Consulting    
 +1 617 795 2701 

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