

As I see it, you have two options.  One is to get into the fixed
wireless business and find a tech person that KNOWS what they are doing.
If you are going to outsource everything, you MUST know what is going on
with the network and not just "run it", or you cannot control the
functions of the business.  This doesn't mean you need to be an expert,
but must know how to set metrics for the outsourced companies and have
standards they must meet.  DO NOT get into the mobile business with the
unlicensed spectrum that is available... too many variables to provide a
good service.


Second option is to partner with a Verizon build-out like Charles Wu.
He is licensing some of the 700MHz spectrum from VZW and building it out
for them in hopes he will make money along the way and possibly sell it
back to them when it is done.  This model allows VZW to not lose their
frequencies because they have to use it or lose it.  This is also LTE,
and able to do mobile broadband.


IMO, I have always been told that a smart investor should only get into
something they know about.  If you don't know how ISPs work, should
probably stay away from it until you do know it.  I am not saying you
shouldn't do it, just maybe not now.  Stay on here, ask a lot of
questions and maybe you will find that tech partner you need.






From: [] On
Behalf Of Rich _
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: [WISPA] I'm new, I hope this is the right list...




I operate in the custom software development industry and am considering
setting up a WISP as a new business investment. I know very little about
the industry and am hoping that some of you will not mind giving me some
feedback. In exchange, I'll be glad to answer any software development
questions you may have that I can answer or that I can get an answer


I'm a business person. I'm not interested in learning the low-level
details about wireless hardware or protocals above and beyond what I
need to run the business. I have no desire to ever
install/troubleshoot/repair the equipment myself.


What I want to do is own the service and run the business. My first
thoughts are I want a setup that makes it easiest for the customer to
start using the service. If there is a particular hardware setup that
lets me mail a dongle (small device that would plug into a USB port) to
the customer and viola they're up and running, great! Also, I am
wondering if operating in a licensed spectrum will provide me with some
protection from frequency overload.


I am interested in finding people who may be able to help me analyze a
territory for potential profitability and engineer a setup. So, if it
doesn't violate mailing list rules, feel free to respond with your
contact information so that I can contact you to find out what it would
cost for your services.


I know I have a lot to learn and want to stick with high-level
information so that I can quickly determine if this is a good
opportunity for me.






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