Well, first, we've found having multiple towers covering an area helps a
lot in these situations where a house might have trees in the wrong
direction blocking one tower, it may be open in another direction to a
different tower. So you may want more towers than necessary just to cover
the area on a map. We've actually added some 5ghz only towers to fill in
coverage gaps where we had marginal coverage on 900mhz, 2.4 or 3.65 all of
which we use for NLOS customers.

If the tech still finds they have trees in the way, then we try to get
above or around the trees. We have several options: 4x4 wood yard post with
10ft metal mast, mounted on far side of trees (like for your windbreak
example), 5 or 10ft roof tripod with 10ft mast may give just enough extra
height to clear a more distant tree line. We occasionally put a 50ft
push-up mast on an outuilding, but those are a PAIN to install and service.
And we have a lot of customers where a tower is their only option - we sell
them the tower in those cases. Sometimes they can turn into a repeater
tower to expand your 5ghz LOS service to the nearby neighbors.

Of course, there will be customers that can't afford a 60-100ft tower, so
they won't be able to get service - you can't get every customer with

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 10:02 PM, Timothy Way <t...@way.vg> wrote:

> I am doing a lot of research as well as a lab built 5GHz test system for a
> point to multi-point build. It seems everything is going the way of 5GHz
> and with that I have a fair amount of concern regarding getting a definite
> clear line of site from a customer to a tower offering them service.
> Specifically I am struggling with what others are doing on the customer
> side.
> The area I am looking to build out with 5GHz would be pretty typical
> farmland. The vast majority of it is wide open but around the houses people
> do have a fair amount of trees to create wind blocks and just physical
> separation from the fields.
> If the customer has an obstruction like trees or other rooftops that might
> block a signal do you put up your own small tower to get them service? Do
> you not try to service them?
> What type of equipment do you use to actually do the installation then? Do
> you generally say because of xyz reason you need a tower and we do it for
> you but it will be a one time fee of x or a monthly fee of y?
> Thanks in advance, Tim
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