On 03/02/2011 10:45, Graham Bloice wrote:
> On 03/02/2011 10:16, Guy Harris wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 2:02 AM, Graham Bloice wrote:
>>> I've perhaps conjoined two issues.  Compiler and linker flags do depend on 
>>> the toolchain in use, but IME don't actually vary too much.
>> "Not too much" != "not at all", so, unless there's a way to make them not 
>> vary at all, we *do* need to determine the toolchain in use.
> Ack, there will still have to be some conditionals, but hopefully less than
> we have now.  Of course running a very old VS with a much newer SDK might
> show some interesting issues with our current configs due to the newer tools
> in the SDK.
>>> Compile time decisions on what the OS API's and structures look like depend 
>>> on the SDK in use.
>> In what fashion can one determine the SDK in use?  Or will the user have to 
>> specify that in config.nmake as well?
> If the user is running from a command prompt that has run the correct
> toolchain init script then various env vars get set.  The easiest way to get
> the correct toolchain init script is to open the command prompt from the
> Start menu entry for the SDK if you have one installed, else the copy of VS
> you have installed.  You can also run the commands directly with appropriate
> parms to select the architecture (x86 or x64) and the target OS (to
> determine what OS API you can use, SetEnv only), e.g. vcvarsall.bat for VS
> and SetEnv.cmd for the SDK
> Looking at my home machine with VS 2010 & SDK 7.1, from the VS prompt I get
> "WindowsSdkDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\" and
> from the SDK prompt I get "WindowsSDKDir=C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> SDKs\Windows\v7.1\".  I don't see a simple env var that simply states the
> SDK in use.  The SDK prompt also has an sdkdir var set to the same path.
> I'll check some other combinations when I get to work.
And for VS 2005 and SDK v6.0A (Vista),

VS2005: MSSdk=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\.
SDK V6.0A: MSSdk=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0

note the very subtle path differences "SDK" vs "SDKs".  Checking the compiler
versions for each prompt I get:

VS 2005: 14.00.50727.762
SDK V6.0A: 14.00.50727.42

I can't remember whether the VS2010 \ SDK 7.0 set MSsdk.


Graham Bloice

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