On 13 October 2013 09:45, Graham Bloice <graham.blo...@trihedral.com> wrote:

> On 12 October 2013 23:22, Joerg Mayer <jma...@loplof.de> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 07:58:45PM +0100, Graham Bloice wrote:
>> > >
>> > > - Are there other platforms that would benefit from something similar
>> to
>> > >   what I did with the setenv.bat script?
>> >
>> >
>> > The setenv.bat (I hope that is the file you're referring to) doesn't
>> work
>> > with a MSVC2010 solution, as the paths to the libraries directory is
>> wrong,
>> > it has ...\builddir\lib, it should be ...\builddir\Debug\lib, and the
>> bin
>> > directory is wrong, it has \msvc2010\bin, it should be
>> > ...\builddir\Debug\bin.  note that the Debug portion of these paths will
>> > vary depending on the type of build done, Debug is the default, there
>> are
>> > also; MinSizeRel, Release and RelWithDebInfo.  I think there will be a
>> > CMake variable for that somewhere.
>> My whole setup has only been tested with '-G "NMake Makefiles"' in that
>> environment it's using \lib and \bin directly. I'd be interested to know
>> where that \Debug in the path comes from. cmake has something that I have
>> not used so far, which is called CONFIGURATIONS. But unless configurations
>> are used I don't know where that Debug is supposed to come from. Do you
>> experience this only with the VS generator or with the nmake generator as
>> well?
>> Once I know where this comes from I have no problem of adding \${whatever}
>> to the paths.
>> Which reminds me: Configurations are something we should also add to the
>> build at some time ;)
> It is definitely a configuration option.  I think CMake builds a single
> configuration when building for Makefiles and multi-configuration when
> building for Visual Studio.  CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE defines the configuration to
> be built when configuring a single configuration project and
> CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR specifies the actual configuration in use when building
> the project.  In msbuild this is set via a `/p:Configuration=xxxx` switch,
> in the VS IDE it's a drop down.
Slight typo the name of the file is actually setpath.bat

Have you looked into using  configure_file() to create the file from a
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