On Jul 15, 2017, at 5:19 AM, David Schaeffer <david.schaeff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jul 14, 2017, at 16:19 PM, Guy Harris <g...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> So you'd right click on a particular field in the protocol details pane, get 
>> a menu with "Graph" as one of the items, and it'd pop up an I/O graph for 
>> that field?
>> There's currently no mechanism for that in Wireshark, but it might be a 
>> useful *general* addition to Wireshark.
> I actually implemented this already in my local copy of the code base. It has 
> options for opening the default graph and graphing the selected bit code.

So you've added a general "Graph" menu item for the context menu (another name 
for "right-click menu" that doesn't assume the existence of more than one 
mouse/trackpad button - the trackpad on my laptop *is* the one-and-only button) 
for packet detail pane items?

If so, you might want to contribute that as a separate patch, minus any code 
that deals specifically with bit codes.

> (minus the part wher

That looks a bit incomp

>> *That* would require adding the ability to register a per-field callback, 
>> with the default being one that causes a "standard" I/O graph to be popped 
>> up, and with your dissector specifying a callback grabbing the IP address 
>> and the value of the bit code.  That might call the "draw an I/O graph" code 
>> with another callback specified; that callback would indicate whether to use 
>> the packet or not.
> I was speaking to someone else that we may have to involve the specific 
> dissector. We are hoping to keep it generalized enough to use it for any 
> protocol though. The common theme seems to be involving the dissector so I 
> think I'll just start with ours and see if I can't expand it to the rest.

The appropriate filter would probably differ from protocol to protocol, so, 
yes, there should be a mechanism allowing a dissector to register a routine to 
provide the initial filter for the graph.  Somebody might, for a particular 
protocol that *doesn't* run over IP, a "limit this to a particular 
conversation" item, for example.
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