On Oct 14, 2017, at 7:18 AM, Paul Offord <paul.off...@advance7.com> wrote:

> I’m investigating a performance problem with the TRANSUM dissector.  I’d like 
> to measure the accumulated time taken to execute a function in a Release 
> build.  My basic idea is to do something like this:


> Is there a standard way to do this in Wireshark?


Given that you're checking *CPU* time, you'd do it with getrusage() on UN*X, 
although note that it has microsecond resolution, so you'd need to accumulate 
several microseconds worth of CPU time to get reliable results.

A quick search found


which suggests that the Windows equivalent to getrusage() for getting the 
current process's CPU time is GetProcessTimes():


with the result of GetCurrentProcess() passed as the first argument.  It has .1 
microsecond resolution.

That MSDN page also lists QueryProcessCycleTime():


which returns a value in units of "CPU clock cycles", with the duration of a 
"CPU clock cycle" unspecified; on x86, it's probably what the Time Stamp 
Counter deals in.  Since you're trying to determine relative CPU times, you 
probably don't need to know how much time a "CPU clock cycle" is, you just need 
to know whether one measurement is greater than another measurement, e.g. "how 
much of the CPU time is being spent in X vs. spent in Y?" or "am I spending 
significantly less CPU time after this change?"

> How can I output the accumulated time on, say, the Status Line?

If this is just trying to figure out why bug 14094 is happening, e.g. is 
find_latest_rrpd() at fault or not, it might be possible to handle this with 
TShark, as suggested by Peter Wu.

Or perhaps the "CPU Usage" tool:


is what should be used here - that might tell you what *is* at fault.
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