On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 4:33 AM, Anton Glukhov <anton.a.gluk...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I wonder what's the best choice to represent CRC32 little-endian checksum?
> Should It be represented "as is"(exactly how it goes on wire) or I should
> flip it to show it in correct number form. Example: I have valid crc32 for
> some data: 0x01020304, it represented in pcap file as 0x04030201. Should I
> flip it to show it to user or it's better to keep it as is?

You might want to use proto_tree_add_checksum() to add your checksum to the
tree--it does all the work for you.  (It will display the data in
human-readable form--i.e., "flipped.")
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