On Thu, 7 Jun 2018 at 07:54, Dario Lombardo <lom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to set up an automated windows builder on appveyor.
> https://ci.appveyor.com/project/crondaemon/wireshark
> I've followed the windows build instructions except for one step: "2.2.10.
> Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt". Since this is a CI, I can't open a
> visual studio prompt.
> The cmake step looks good, but when the build starts I get
> error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "RelWithDebInfo|win64"
> is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the
> Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln
> /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties
> blank to use the default solution configuration.
> [C:\Development\wireshark\build\Wireshark.sln]
> I tried different commands
> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo Wireshark.sln
> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /p:Platform="Any CPU"
> Wireshark.sln
> msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /p:Platform="win64"
> Wireshark.sln
> msbuild /m Wireshark.sln
> msbuild /consoleloggerparameters:PerformanceSummary;NoSummary /maxcpucount
> Wireshark.sln
> but none of them succeeded. Looking into windows master buildbot logs
> didn't show anything useful. Any idea on what's going on and/or solutions?
> Thanks
> Dario.
> --
I have an old appveyor branch in my repo at home which worked at the time,
but needs some TLC as it was for VS 2013 and had to install the Cygwin
AsciiDoc package which is no longer required. See here:

Note the (commented out) entry at the bottom of the file that enables RDP
at the end of a build to allow you to connect and poke around.

Graham Bloice
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