On Sep 11, 2018, at 5:11 PM, Richard Sharpe <realrichardsha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmmm, now that I have looked at your CMakeError.log, it looks like
> maybe you need a newer version of cmake.

The only things I'm seeing in CMakeError.log are:

        indications that the compiler doesn't support certain warning flags;

        indications that the target doesn't have Heimdal Kerberos;

        indications that the target doesn't have a version of 
libpcap/WinPcap/Npcap that has pcap_open();

        indications that the target doesn't happen to have sys/sockio.h;

        indications that the target doesn't have a getopt()/getopt_long() that 
has an optreset variable;

        indications that the target doesn't have an issetugid() system call;

        indications that the target has a struct sockaddr that doesn't have an 
sa_len field;

        indications that the target has a struct stat that doesn't have an 
st_flags field;

        indications that the target has a struct stat that doesn't have 
st_birthtime field;

        indications that the compiler for the target doesn't support SSE 4.2 
with -msse4.2.

I.e., indications that they're probably using GCC to compile for a non-*BSD 
system that doesn't have Heimdal Kerberos and that doesn't have an x86 
processor.  None of those indications, with the *possible* exception of the 
lack of Heimdal Kerberos, are surprising, given that they said they're 
compiling for Linux on a Raspberry Pi.
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