Hello everyone,

I need help building the simple ASN.1 UDP-based dissector example (foo);
specifically, I need help building the generate_dissector-*proto* target
(Step #6 below). I'm certainly missing something here.

I'm following the Step by Step instructions (shown below) to create the simple
ASN1 UDP-based dissector
mentioned in 14.2. ASN.1 Dissector Requirements
and I'm stuck on step #6. In this case *proto* = "foo" (the simple ASN1
UDP-based dissector, attached to this email as foo.tgz).
14.7. Step By Step Instructions [Creating ASN.1 Dissectors]

   1. Create a directory for your protocol in the *epan/dissectors/asn1*
   directory and put your ASN.1 file there.
   2. Copy *CMakeLists.txt* from another ASN.1 dissector and edit it to
   suit your needs.
   3. Create a .cnf file either by copying an existing one and editing it
   or using the empty example above.
   4. Create template files either by copying suitable existing ones and
   editing them or use the examples above, putting your protocol name in the
   appropriate places.
   5. Add your dissector to *epan/dissectors/asn1/CMakeLists.txt*
   6. Test generating your dissector by building the
   *generate_dissector-*proto** target. <== how? using cmake?
   7. Depending on the outcome you may have to edit your .cnf file, ASN.1
   file etc…
   8. Build Wireshark. <== with cmake

(a) The above Step by Step instructions come from here:
(b) Prior to attempting any dissector development I built and installed
wireshark-3.4.4 successfully (using cmake).
(c) I created directory "foo" by extracting the attachment (foo.tgz) in
(d) There is a CMakeListsCustom.txt.example file in epan/dissectors/asn1
which already contains an entry for "foo".
(e) Since I don't know what to do in Step #6, I build Wireshare (using
cmake), but no build targets get updated.

If the solution to this problem belongs in the Wireshark documentation, I
would be glad to help update the documentation. Namely, I don't understand
the usage of the 5 (five) CMakeListsCustom.txt.example files inWireshark
source code.

Vincent Randal

Attachment: foo.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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