On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 21:23, Guy Harris <ghar...@sonic.net> wrote:

> On Apr 15, 2021, at 2:03 AM, Graham Bloice <graham.blo...@trihedral.com>
> wrote:
> > Wireshark is a complicated project to build.  You can follow the tested
> way, as shown in the Developers Guide, which is essentially what our
> Continuous Integration (CI) systems use and most other developers, or you
> can forge your own path on less travelled routes strewn with rocks, rusty
> nails and broken glass that you mostly have to deal with on your own.
> >
> > Unless you have some inescapable need to do things in a different way,
> it's easier and more productive to follow the herd.
> Building in a subdirectory with a name other than "build" isn't exactly a
> "[route] strewn with rocks, rusty nails and broken glass".  *That* should
> Just Work (at least if the name is all ASCII printable characters and
> contains no spaces); if it doesn't, that's a sign that the build process
> isn't robust enough.
Beginning with those very dangerous 3 words, *in my experience,* if folks
are doing something "different" in one place, they're also likely to be
doing something different in other places.  I've chased down enough build
errors reported by others that turned out to be caused by being different
in ways that would never succeed that I no longer think it productive of
my time to do so.  Others may of course feel different.

Unfortunately, as a project we don't seem to have enough spare bandwidth to
support those that wish to furrow their own path.  Until someone steps up
to fix the build process to work in all possible configurations on all
possible supported platforms, following the "established" pattern seems to
get folks to a productive state sooner.

> Building in the source directory *itself* is a bit more painful, but that
> doesn't appear to be what we're talking about here; it sounds as if we're
> talking about
>         mkdir build.wireshark
>         cd build.wireshark
>         cmake ..
>         make

Graham Bloice
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