Am 27.04.21 um 09:28 schrieb Guy Harris:
>> ws-status::duplicate => The problem is a duplicate of an existing issue.
> The last of those is, well, a duplicate of the "(duplicated)" in the status 
> box at the top (if the close is done right, by entering
>       /duplicate #{bug number}
> into a comment and saving the comment).

Yes, I'm aware of it. This is something I've already mentioned in my first 
mail. For this label only automation (bot)
makes sense. As long as there is no automation we will have a closed issue with 
a false state.

For the Gitlab API there is no difference between manually closed issued and 
issues marked as duplicate.
Both have the state closed. Marked as duplicate issues have a additional note 
with text "marked this issue as a
duplicate of #iid".
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