On Mar 6, 2022, at 3:52 PM, Christian <ch...@argonautx.net> wrote:

> Hello out there, I created a kernel probe module and I want to watch the
> outputs of this module with pcap/Wireshark. Just like usbmon. So I
> defined a char device in the dev-directory /dev/kpnode from which the
> pcap interface can read the output of that module. In order to enable
> Wireshark to read from this device, I started to place a handler
> function into libpcap:
> In pcap.c I put in
> #include "pcap-kpnode.h"
> #endif
> and later:
>       { kpnode_findalldevs, kpnode_create },
> #endif
> further down:
>           || strstr(device, "kpnode") != NULL
> #endif
> The functions kpnode_findalldevs and kpnode_create are in my files
> pcap-kpnode.c and pcap-kpnode.h. They are not finished yet but the
> subject of this mail is for now, how to connect these functions into
> libpcap and Wireshark so that they are evoked if a device /dev/kpnode
> emerges.

You do it in libpcap.


        if you have a version of Wireshark that's linked with your version of 

        and if kpnode_findalldevs() works, so that its devices show up in 
Wireshark when it calls pcap_findalldevs();

        and if kpnode_create() works, so that it can be opened in Wireshark 
when it calls pcap_create() on a kpnode device and it can be activated with 

        and if dumpcap - which is the program in Wireshark that calls 
pcap_findalldevs(), pcap_create(), and pcap_activate() - in that version of 
Wireshark is set up to run with sufficient privileges to open kpnode devices 
(that may require that it be set-UID to root, or it may not);

        and if those devices either use an existing LINKTYPE_/DLT_ value that 
Wireshark can dissect, or it uses a LINKTYPE_USERn/DLT_USERn value and you've 
written a dissector for that type and either built it into Wireshark or built 
it into a plugin for Wireshark and set it up for the USERn value in question;

then it should Just Work in Wireshark.

The bulk of this is a libpcap question, and should be asked on 

The part that's relevant to Wireshark would be:

"How do I build a version of Wireshark that's linked with my version of 
libpcap?"  The answer is "install it on your system, complete with headers - 
the library and headers will, by default, be under /usr/local - and then 
configure Wireshark from scratch; the CMake configuration for Wireshark should 
find the /usr/local version and use your libpcap."

"How do I write a dissector for my new link-layer type (assuming that you can't 
just use an existing LINKTYPE_/DLT_ value)?"  The answer is more complicated.

The rest of your question amounts to

> What did I miss to integrate my handlers into pcap library?

which is a libpcap question and should be asked on 
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