Thanks for looking into this.

On Saturday, December 14th, 2024 at 7:04 PM, John Thacker 
<johnthac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> dpkg-buildpackage by default attempts to run tests. It's hard to tell from 
> your description, but you probably didn't install the packages that are 
> needed for tests. It is failing in the test suite.
> You can try the "nocheck" option mentioned here to avoid running the test 
> suite
> https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/dpkg-buildpackage.1.html
> or you can run `debian-setup` with the `--install-test-deps` option.
> John

I run 'debian-setup' with '--install-all', so upon running 
'--install-test-deps' nothing additional got installed.
['debian-setup-MY.sh' is just modified debian-setup.sh so it does not check 
VERSION_ID, as it wouldn't get a reply it can deal with, since I am on Debian 
Testing as I wrote in the first mail, and instead just install QT6 version 
Here the last lines with the command:
/some-dir/wireshark/tools/debian-setup-MY.sh --install-test-deps

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 29 not upgraded.

*** Optional packages not installed. Rerun with --install-optional to have them.

*** Debian packages build deps not installed. Rerun with --install-deb-deps to 
have them.

So trying:
/some-dir/wireshark/tools/debian-setup-MY.sh --install-optional 

But that got me in a loop new.
Here the last lines (nothing additionally got installed):

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 29 not upgraded.

*** Test deps not installed. Rerun with --install-test-deps to have them.

Trying without '--install-optional':
/some-dir/wireshark/tools/debian-setup-MY.sh --install-deb-deps |& tee 
~mr/LOG_n0/debian-setup-MY.sh_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M) 

The script still got me looping.
Here the last lines:

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 29 not upgraded.

*** Optional packages not installed. Rerun with --install-optional to have them.

*** Test deps not installed. Rerun with --install-test-deps to have them.

The 'dpkg-buildpackage' nocheck option is unappealing to me. I'll try and see 
what pytest will tell me, next.
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