I've seen databases do this to fill fields with null data, when the field is
requested and is configured for a fixed length of 10KB, you'll get however
much useful data, with the rest padded up to the 10KB mark.


On 1/23/08, Daniel Koepke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Sorry; Forgot the packet scan
> Dan
> Maybe this group can add some insight to what is happening with this
> NetWare server
> It seems that when a PC makes the connection to the server and request a
> file. The file is sent to the workstation, but the packet scans show the
> data segment is padded with 0's. The packets are full size 1460 bytes and
> sent multiple packet before the ACK. It appears that we run through this
> cycle of requesting the file and getting 0 data. If we stop the PC or
> disable the switch port, the problem seems to move to another PC.  Have not
> been able to define any patterns on PC or network segments
> Can anyone perhaps after reviewing the scan section see anything that we
> could use to isolate the problem or at least be able to identify the issues
> to the vendor.
> Thanks
> Dan
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