Sake Blok wrote:

> I think it *is* a cisco bug...
> I tried to open the bug-tracker, but it seems to be offline at 
> the moment. I think you should open a case with the Cisco-TAC 
> for this issue. Feel free to use my analysis in the report.
> (if my assumptions on addresses were correct of course)

Frank Bulk wrote (in a previous EMail)

 > I used bittwiste to remove the first 12 bytes of the attached packet
 > capture that included a variety of traffic, and you'll see that some
 > packets are fine, but others, such as 4, 7, 8, etc are not.

 > Can anyone make sense of it?

On additional note: Looking at the packets in the longer capture it 
appears to me that some are messed up in different ways from the first.
In addition there are a few packets which seem to have had all the PPOE 
stuff stripped so that they look like good packets in the original capture.

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