Die Verantwortung fuer diese Message Versand-No. 1469 zur Liste wiss-org Fr, 25 Feb 2011 15:18:41 +0100 traegt der obige Absender.

The Italian chapter of ISKO organizes its 5th national meeting

Friday, April 1st, 2011
University of Venice, Malcanton-Marcora` building


-- guest keynote speaker:
Douglas Tudhope (University of Glamorgan)
on networked knowledge organization systems

-- other topics:
cross-mediality, multimedia IR, biomedical KO and KR, gnoseology, classification in ethnography, classification in evolutionary biology, multilingual KOS, interoperability, Nuovo Soggettario, UDC, Colon Classification

Participation is free. All ISKO members and other people interested in KO are cordially invited to join us.

For any further information please contact vene...@isko.org

ISKO 2011 organizing committee
(Emanuela Casson, Sara Franzoso, Claudio Gnoli, Ilde Menis, Riccardo Ridi)

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