Dear colleague,

We have the great pleasure to announce and to invite you to submit a proposal 
to the 6th International Symposium
ISKO-Maghreb'2017 on: "Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital 
Humanities: Research and Applications"
in: May 11th. – 12th. , 2017 in Al-Hoceima (Morocco). Please to diffuse this 
CFP in your professional networks.


6th. edition of the International Symposium
Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities
May 11th. – 12th. , 2017 in Al-Hoceima (Morocco)


Web Sites:[] &[] (& local web sites)

Important Dates:
Papers due (deadline): FEBRUARY 05th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: MARCH 04th, 2017
Final paper & Camera-ready due: APRIL 01st, 2017
Registration for authors (deadline): APRIL 14th, 2017
Symposium ISKO-Maghreb days: MAY 11th-12th, 2017
Best Paper Awards: MAY 12th, 2017

The governance of knowledge seems to be the Scientific Policy most able to 
creating value with regard of human and its
evolution in cultures and civilizations. The duty of good governance is a 
consideration of the transfer of knowledge
related to scientific and technological progress. Intrinsically, this process 
requires a system of knowledge organization
and its management by implementing knowledge production and its influence in 
With this new focus on the Knowledge Organization and the perspective of 
"Digital Humanities", the objective of the ISKO-
Maghreb Chapter is to contribute in understanding the factors that organize 
knowledge and phenomena that affect the
information society.
ISKO-Maghreb'2017 will be held in its sixth (6th.) edition in Morocco 
(Al-Hoceima) in May 2017, after the five successful
editions. This edition is organized by ENSAH (Ecole Nationale des Sciences 
Appliquées d'Al Hoceima) - Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, and sponsored by the Universities of Maghreb 
and Europe countries.

Program days:   
– Keynotes: plenary lecture by a half-day given by guest speakers who are 
experts in their field.
– Papers & Sessions: twelve sessions in oral presentations of the best research 
selected by the scientific committee.
– Posters & Sessions: two Poster sessions of the best research selected by the 
scientific committee.

Topics of interest:
ISKO-Maghreb chapter asks authors to develop theoretical and practical 
dimensions in their scientific proposals to address
issues relating to knowledge organization, knowledge management and collective 
intelligence inthe perspective of "Digital

1–  Digital Document and Digital Humanities
2–  Information and Communication Technologies
3–  e-Learning and Virtual Libraries
4–  Informational and technological watch
5–  Collective Intelligence and Media
6–  Digitalization, Archives and Management of Cultural Patrimony
7–  Knowledge representation and Semantic Web
8–  Knowledge Management (KM) in the Internet Challenges
9–  Mathematical Models, Data Scientists and Visualization
10–  Multimedia Information Retrieval & Knowledge Management
11–  e-Entreprise and knowledge management
12–  Knowledge Management in Advanced Information Systems
13–  Knowledge for Web Services
14–  Knowledge Management for Business Intelligence and Complexity

General Chairs & Contacts:
*General Chairs:

– Sahbi SIDHOM (President ISKO-Maghreb, LORIA & Université de Lorraine, France)
– Anass EL HADDADI (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, ENSA Al Hoceima, Morocco)
– Malek GHENIMA (Vice- President ISKO-Maghreb, ESCT & Université de la Manouba, 
– Abdelkrim MEZIANE (Vice- President ISKO-Maghreb, CERIST, Algeria)

*Local Chairs & Contacts:

– Anass EL HADDADI (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, ENSA Al Hoceima, Morocco)
– Mohamed ADDAM (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, ENSA Al Hoceima, Morocco)
– Jaber EL BOUHDIDI (ENSA de Tetouan, Morocco)

Languages of the conference:
– All papers must be written in English or in French.
– All video presentations (PowerPoint) must be written in English.
– Oral presentations and discussions are permitted in English and/or in French.

Submission Guidelines:
– Template and Instructions using IEEE Paper in 2 columns:
    * For DOC Format:[]
    * For  LaTeX2e Format:[]
– Paper Conference Management:
Manuscripts must be submitted to "ISKO-Maghreb’2017 EasyChair Conference 
system" on:[].

– As part of the anti-plagiarism policy followed by ISKO Int. Society, the 
papers will be subject to anti-plagiarism
software Compilatio ([]).

Conference venue:
(May 11th.-12th., 2017 in Mercure Quemado Resort Hotel), Al-Hoceima, Morocco.

Président ISKO-Maghreb

Maître de Conférences / Assistant Professor
Lorraine University & LORIA (Kiwi)[]


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