I believe this would work, but have never tried it in Witango. Another method would be to use the ASP method. I have used this and it works also...

Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Response.addheader "Location", "http://www.yourdomain.com/newpageurl/";

Need to name your page something.asp though

Just My 2 Cents

Thanks for the response.

Can you do this with a HTTP redirect with httpHeader? Or is IIS the only way
to do this?

<@assign request$httpHeader "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently<@CRLF>Location:
<@var method$URL


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Redirects (OT)

Do not use a 404. This will kill a robot immediately (google at least). A 404 is a page not found and will stop the bot in its tracks.

You should use a 301 redirect. To do this in IIS, go to
properties/Home Directory. Click a "redirection to a URL." Fill in
the complete URL including "http://"; in the Redirect to: field. Check
the "Exact URL Entered Above" box. Check the "Permanent Redirect for
this Resource" box.

Windows 2003 Web Edition, R:Tango 5.0
Still rewriting all to multi domains/one set of apps.

Some of my tafs had to move to different folders. I want to make sure that
browsers are redirected to the new location, but that search engines will
discover page no longer exists and delete from search engine DB.

I have 2 possible methods:
1) I can use a 404.taf to redirect
2) I can use IIS 60 redirects for each page

Both will get the browser to the correct location, but how do search
spiders react to each method. Do they realize that the page no longer
with either method?


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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