Title: Re: Witango-Talk: Search Engine Indexing and ISAPI Fil
I posted this in reference to another thread a few weeks ago. I will post it again. The problem is that KNOWONE knows the algo of Google except Google. You can only experiment and wait a few weeks and check the results. I spent a year looking at ISAPI Filters and the such, worried about that old "?" in my URLS. But the proof is in the pudding!

Also since the Florida and Austin updates (major algo changes the last which happened about 4 weeks ago) the way googlebot is crawling has changed. It has been noticed that sites with a PR of 4 or less are getting crawled much less then before. The changes in your log may be a relfection of this.

If your rank has not changed and your SERP has not changed but you are being crawled less, I wouldn't worry about it.

As fo ISAPI filters, I don't use them and have had abslolutely no problems. I would be very wary of anyone telling me that I would have to use them to get better ranking.  Look at Yahoo, Micosoft, Google, Apple, etc etc etc etc - All use dynamic content. All have hundreds of pages on the 1st page of the SERPs. All have a page rank of 9 or above. It would seem that if there was a problem, everyone would be getting rid of dynamic content.

A sidebar about SEOs. Make sure that anyone you hire has examples of placements of their clients. Most don't. If they don't have at least one client on the first page of the results, I wouldn't hire them. Also, check out where they are ranked themselves. This will be an eye opener for you. Check out their home page and find their key phrases then search Google and see if you can find them. Most won't show up on the first 100 pages of the returns. I know this because whenever any of my clients go down the SEO trail, I usually have them do these simple steps. I would hire only somone who is on at least the first several pages.

Just my 2 cents worth....

I have 3 sites currently ranked #1 for very competative keywords and
phrases (that's #1 out of 1.3 million in the SERPs). I also have 30
other sites that rank in the first 10 pages (not as good, but not as
much work done on these). All of these sites use Witango. 2 of these
#1 sites are ecommerce sites. I get a full crawl at least once a day
from the G. These sites do not use "ID" in any of the URLs.  It has
been bantered about in Google News that using certain phrases in your
URL or having too long of agruments or length of URLs may actually
downgrade the rank of your pages. Using "?ID=lkj234lkjh324lkjh234235"
in a URL may actually be a problem, though nothing will actually ban
you from google.

Also it has been mentioned that sites that use a "?" mark may not get
fully crawled (only 20 - 30 pages) because google knows that passing
arguments can mean too many variables that the site can branch to. In
other words, A site can literally have hundreds of thousands of pages
of products just by passing arguments. It is possible that the G is
limiting the amount of pages crawled because of this, but who knows?

Of course this is all speculation because the algo at the G has
always been somewhat of a mystery and the G wants to keep it that
way. What you need to do to get crawled regularly is to have lots of
quality links to your site, good and plenty of content (make it an
authority of the subject), and some old fashioned know how.

Reading posts from the WebMaster World's Google News is a good place
to start. I would even join and ask questions. These people are very
knowledgable and if you can read between the lines and throw out a
lot of the garbage that gets posted, you can learn a lot. I have been
a member there for 2 years and I never regreted it.

Just My 2 Cents


I was wondering if anyone knows if search engines index tango dynamic pages?
If so is there something that needs to be done so they are. It seems since we went dynamic on a part of our site that traffic
Has decreased significantly and the only thing that has changed is that we made the listings dynamic instead of having scripts make static pages.

If anyone can shed any light on this situation I greatly appreciate it. Also if this helps the url of the site that went dynamic is
Michael Dittbrenner
Educational Directories Unlimited, Inc.
Michael Dittbrenner
A service of EDU, Inc... http://www.EDUdirectories.com
A partner of EDU Internet Strategies: http://www.EDUInternetStrategies.com/
[Phone]  610-499-9200
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