Witango 2000
Windows 2000

I am trying to do the cookie thing again and I guess I just don't understand. Is it possible to delete a cookie without quiting the browser? I set the expiry to "now", yet the cookie remains until I quit the browser.

I have a forum I built that allows a user to be remembered so they don't have to log on again. In the user profile, I set up a variable in cookie scope that saves the username. If the user changes their profile to not be remembered, I use an IF/ELSE statement to change the cookie to a null value and set the expry to "now", yet when I view the variable in cookie scope, the user still exists.

In other words

Variable is rememberuser. Set to yes, it creates the cookie just fine.

When the user clicks no (after having set the cookie) I reassign the cookie to no value and set the expry to "now". In the debug, I see


Which is correct.

Yet when I display the cookie on the page (ie <@VAR rememberuser scope="cookie">

The username is still there! Even though I reassigned the variable to blank and set the expry to now.

Could someone tell me how to either get this to work right, or even better, how to just delete the cookie?


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