Customer Support at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am guessing but it looks like the db you are using is FileMaker.

That's correct.

> FileMaker uses a real number as a record ID.  I do not know why.

> Try using <@VAR scope$myvarname FORMAT="num:simple-integer"> when you
> use the data in the result html

Is there a more global approach? I use this sort of thing all over the place
and setting a format in every TAF that uses the Record_ID would be a
Herculean task.

Where did the 0s come from? Does Witango have a default precision of five
decimal places? Any reason this changed from T2K?

Wayne Irvine

                  Byte Services Pty Ltd
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ph 02 9960 6099   Mob 0409 960 609   Fax 02 9960 6088


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