Thanks Roland,

I found the problem and it had nothing to do with Mac OS or Tango. Just a
badly designed process and my forgetful brain.

Roland Dumas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> BTW: witango 5 on OS X with W*5 works very smoothly and fast with FMP.

I'm in the process of moving things over as we speak. I have a Dual 2Ghz
Xserve just sitting there idling away.

Unfortunately I've had a real problem with Witango hanging whenever I turn
my back for 20 minutes. Have you experienced this issue?

I've just installed 5.5FC and will be interested to see if the issue has
been fixed.

Wayne Irvine

                  Byte Services Pty Ltd
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ph 02 9960 6099   Mob 0409 960 609   Fax 02 9960 6088


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