a cheap way to make search args SEO friendly is to just append keyword laden arguments. If your taf is looking for something like ? _function=list&cat=3 which a search engine overlooks, append descriptive arguments that may or may not actually be used in the taf, such as ? clothing_type=pants&size=long&style=pleated&_function=list&cat=3

On Nov 11, 2008, at 8:06 AM, Robert Shubert wrote:

Here’s a little more help on this issue:

IIS: set the 404 error handling in the Custom Errors tab to: URL: / main.taf (or whatever is going to handle this)

At the top of main.taf use code something like this:

<@ASSIGN url <@CGIPARAM name=http_search_args>>
<@ASSIGN parsed_url <@TOKENIZE str=@@url chars=/?>>
<@ASSIGN parsed_url <@TRANSPOSE array=parsed_url>>

That will leave you with an array containing the information that was in the original URL. The expectation is that you would have similarly named TAFs, includes, or possibly a lookup in a database to know what to display back to the user.

Probably the biggest problem you’ll hit is that all requests are going to be handled by main.taf (at least initially) so to add this to an existing application you will need to do some branching as well.

If you can’t determine exactly which page to display back to the user, you must send back a properly formatted 404 error page.

Keep in mind that you need to be careful about this whole process. You can create endless loops and possibly other problems if you don’t have good error checking.

I can attest that this will function under very high loads.


From: Fogelson, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 11:42 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: Keyword Relavant Links

You may recognize this subject. SEO’s want links that contain keywords.


Has anyone implemented a similar strategy using Witango 5.5 and Windows 2003? I want to utilize this in my shopping cart app which is presently built utilizing the following example link structure:



Steve Fogelson

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