how come you don't parse the form into smaller sets of fields and just accumulate the responses in user scope, and then submit it all at the end? I had much better user experience by having one question/form and letting the user tick through the questions with a "you are at 3 of 20" kind of message with each.

On Jul 17, 2009, at 12:05 PM, WebDude wrote:

I have always had a problem with long forms and having user info expire before the forms were filled. I have done long forms in sections with a submit for every page. I have done timed javascripts that calls a pop-up after 25 minutes telling the user to save and continue. Yada Yada Yada.

I am in the middle of putting together a very long form for a client and decided to try a different approach. I load a taf into an iframe with height and width attributes set to 1. The taf doesn't return anything, it's just a header with a meta-refresh every 25 minutes (1500 seconds).

Now call me dumb, but this works perfectly, as far as I can tell. I've tested it on many forms, forums, in-house blogs, etc., and I cannot get it to break. Every refresh refreshes the variables and holds onto all the user info.

A really simple solution to what I thought was a vexing problem. I just updated a bunch of stuff by adding the iframe at the bottom of a bunch of form pages.

I cannot find any drawbacks to this... I hope I am not missing something.



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