is there a tag that will do a sleep or wait in witango 5.0?

this is generating some interesting output. just want to slow it down to one 
code a second.

On Oct 14, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Robert Shubert wrote:

> Try this out:
> <@! start with epoch>
> <@! add salt>
> <@ASSIGN secs "<@RANDOM low=1 high=9>@@secs<@RANDOM low=1 high=9>">
> <@! convert to base 26>
> <@WHILE expr="@@secs > 26">
> <@! shift to ascii for capitals 65-90 convert to char and build code>
> <@IF "<@CURROW>%2 = 0">
>       <@ASSIGN code '<@CHAR <@CALC "abs(@@secs % 26) + 65">>@@code'>
> <@ELSE>
>       <@ASSIGN code '@@code<@CHAR <@CALC "abs(@@secs % 26) + 65">>'>
> </@IF>
> <@! shift place for base conversion>
> <@ASSIGN secs <@CALC "@@secs / 26" precision=0>>
> </@WHILE>
> Final Code: @@code
> DISCLAIMER: It is possible to create the same code if this routine is run 
> multiple times in the same second. Add a <@SLEEP 1000> to prevent this. Also, 
> there is an abs() in there because doing modulo on large values produces a 
> negative value. This is incorrect behavior on Witango's part and something 
> that I'll need to fix in the server. I do not think it produces a collision 
> problem in this routine, but it may. It is likely tied to small floating 
> point variable used in the routine. Oh, and there is also a rounding error 
> that I didn't work out, but again, it only changed some shift points (26^1 
> place increases at unit=13 rather than unit=0). This can removed by 
> floor()ing the base conversion shift in the final @CALC. Again, I do not 
> believe that this causes a collision situation. Also, this routine can 
> occasionally create a 7 character code. You may need to check for and ignore 
> these if you want them all to 8 characters (This may be able to be eliminated 
> by increasing the LOW value in the first @RANDOM) Lastly, I don't guarantee 
> this routine. I just whipped it up as a mental exercise, so you may want to 
> test it out some (see if you get a collision over a few million iterations), 
> or show it to someone who is good with algorithms or cryptography.
> Robert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roland Dumas []
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Witango-Talk: generating unique codes
> looking for method to create unique and non-obvious n-digit codes to be used 
> as discount codes.
> Should be short enough to use as consumer codes (8 digit?), and probably be 
> something simply to enter, such as an all caps, and not have an easily 
> discoverable pattern.
> I want to generate unique codes and not have to check the history to see if a 
> code has been used before.
> Suggestions?
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