There have been some comments, including from Jobs, that the apple variant of 
java has always been a step behind and is the only platform not developed and 
distribute by Looks like the java on mac platform may fall 
into line with others and be an Oracle product.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Robert Shubert wrote:

> Dale,
> This will actually have a HUGE impact on Witango.
> The version 6 studio is written completely in Java, and because Apple is such 
> a pain when it comes to their Java implementation, there are chunks of the 
> Studio which are branched or patched just to deal with Apple’s incomplete 
> JVM. I’m very interested to see where this goes, if there is some support for 
> it, it’ll be a pretty cool thing. If not, it could seriously hinder my 
> development on the OS X platform.
> Between 2002 and 2005, it seemed like Java was going to be real programming 
> force in the world. This was back when J2EE was becoming popular and the 
> whole “Java 2” platform was coming out. Many thought that Java would be on 
> equal footing, if not better, than other languages. It was, I believe, this 
> reasoning that lead to the Witango J2EE deployment option and to the Studio 
> being recreated as a Java application.
> Over the past 5 years though, Java has been somewhat standstill. Sure the 
> newer platforms Java 5, Java 6, and soon Java 7 have been improvements 
> throughout, but Apple sees their own Objective-C as the future, Microsoft is 
> doing the same with C#, and Linux is steadfast with GCC. Java is certainly 
> everywhere, and many developers love it, but it’s not really gaining any 
> ground as the language of choice on any one platform. This is creating a 
> problem with the level of integration that’s possible. Things like ODBC, 
> window management, and task bars are some of the areas where the OSes keep 
> moving forward and Java is left to catch up. I’m having to build native 
> interfaces, per OS, to get some of the “niceties” to work properly.
> Just like everything, I suppose, Java has advantages and disadvantages.
> Robert
> From: Dale Graham []
> Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 10:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Witango-Talk: Apple ceasing future distribution of Java....
> Here's the story ...
> "Yesterday, Apple quietly announced that they would cease future distribution 
> of their own custom Java packages, concerning some Java developers," John 
> Brownlee reports for Cult of Mac. "So does that mean that Macs will no longer 
> have up-to-date Java? A concerned Java Developer from Portico Systems emailed 
> Steve Jobs, asking that very question."
> Jobs' response: Sun (now Oracle) supplies Java for all other platforms. They 
> have their own release schedules, which are almost always different than 
> ours, so the Java we ship is always a version behind. This may not be the 
> best way to do it.
> Brownlee reports, "In other words, Apple’s leaving Java to the company that 
> does it best… that is, if Oracle decides to step up and produce their own 
> version of Java for Mac, as they do for every other platform. My guess is 
> they will quickly fill the void and it’ll be a win for everyone."
> ---------------------
> If true, that's a great move .....  but my take is that I am concerned.  We 
> work with Oracle databases and know that Oracle has historically shown little 
> or no interest in keeping parity for Mac OS X.  I think it'll be even worse 
> with their step-child, Java.
> Admittedly, this will probably have no impact on most of us on the Witango 
> side, it's just an FYI.
> ___________________
> Sent from my iPad    8)
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