I am getting a DirectoryNotFoundException when trying to use the
I have added:
        <UIRef Id="WixUI_Mondo" />
Just below the close of the Product tag

Here is what I am calling:

Using WIX Source location of: ..\wix 
EXECUTING: ..\wix\candle.exe -out msi\ heatout.wxs 
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.0.1726.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.


EXECUTING: ..\wix\light.exe -ext WixUIExtension -cultures:en-us -sval
-out msi\heatout.msi msi\heatout.wixobj 
Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.0.1726.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.

light.exe : error LGHT0001 : The system cannot find the path specified.

Exception Type: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

Stack Trace:
   at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoadFile(String path, Evidence
evidence, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(String path)
   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder.Bind(Output output,
String databaseFile)
   at Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Tools.Light.Run(String[] args)
Wed 06/07/2006 12:49:59.35 WIX compiler and linker complete Completed

Any thoughts?

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