
My installation package consists of MSI-file and set of directory with
additional files. Those files are used by type 1 custom action (DLL file
stored in a Binary table stream). Since these directory is required, in
MSI there is a property that checks for the directory existence (via
'<DirectorySearch ... Path="[SourceDir][MY_REDIST_DIR]"...>') and a
custom action that aborts installation if that property is empty.

My installation should not have maintainence installation. It should
simple install everything as it is first-time installation.

When I run installation for the first time on a clear machine every
thing works fine.
When I repeat same installation on the same machine the custom action
that checks for the directory existence property triggers and aborts
Learning log I found that MSI-engine after first installation copies my
msi into its internal directories and runs this copied msi instead. And
this cause a problem since MSI-engine does not copy my additional directory.

Is there any way to disable copying?
How can make MSI-engine to use my msi but not copied?

Best regards,
Peter G. Sakhno

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