It always seems to be a case of finding the right word to search on; in this
case, a search of the wix-users archive for "multiple" turned up the info I
needed. Sorry for what was essentially a re-post.

In case anyone is curious, my solution is going to be two-fold:

1. Using Torch and the technique described in , I'll create a
series of .mst files (and then embed them in my original .MSI with any luck)
2. I'll create a dumb C++ console app that simply checks to see which
product codes have been installed and then fires up the next appropriate
transformed installer.

Not the most elegant process to be sure, but whatever works. If anyone else
has thoughts on a better way to do it, I'm all ears.


Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:24:50 -0500
From: "Scott Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [WiX-users] One-or-More Installation Design?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I've used WiX to create a few rather simple "Do X then Y then possibly Z"
sorts of installations before, but now I'm working on one of much greater
scope that I'm having trouble clearly seeing how to tackle.

The problem is thus: I need to allow the user to create 1 OR MORE virtual
directories (and their physical counterparts) when they install. They will
all have identical files but for web.config. An example:

I set up my first VirDir to be called "MyTestWeb" and it is stored at
C:\MyTestWeb . This will install default.aspx and web.config to
As part of the same installation, I then also decide that I need a second
VirDir called "ProductionWeb" and it is stored at c:\Production. This
also install default.aspx and web.config to c:\Production

I can certainly imagine how the dialogs etc for this should look and
but what would be the high-level design / logic to actually get what would
essentially be the same Component installed to multiple locations? Anyone
have thoughts on this?

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