John Hall wrote:
I wanted to add a checkbox at the end of my installer and found the WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOXTEXT property. However, when the checkbox is displayed it is drawn with the wrong background colour - see the attached screenshot. This is with Wix 3.0.3120.0. Is there a way around this?

No. Unfortunately, checkbox controls don't support transparency.

I guess one way would be to draw the checkbox without a label and then add a Text control with the transparent attribute set. Is there an easy way to replace just one dialog in one of the standard UI sets?

That's bad for two reasons:

1. It breaks user expectations, because many users expect to be able to click the checkbox's text. (Though that might be less true thanks to awful Web UI.) 2. It breaks accessibility as the checkbox no longer has associated text that screen readers can read. 3. (Bonus reason!) The checkbox itself uses the default control background so you can't avoid it entirely.

The best workaround is to use a bitmap that doesn't have a bunch of white in it.

You should be able to replace ExitDialog but you'll need to copy the fragment for whichever dialog set you're using to do so.


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