I've been trying to figure out how to install a CA certificate for a
while now without a whole lot of luck.  I found the IIS extension
listing for the certificate element, and I've run into a couple of
different errors with it.  I've tried inserting this markup:


<iis:Certificate Id='CACERT' Request='no'
CertificatePath='..\$bin\cacert.cer' StoreLocation='currentUser'


If I put this in its own element, I get an ICE18 error saying that the
keypath for the component is INSTALLLOCATION, and that "The
Directory/Component pair must be listed in the CreateFolders table."
I've never seen this error before, so I tried adding the certificate
element to another component (thinking that having other files in the
component might help).  This time, the setup compiled, but the
certificate wasn't installed.  Nothing showed up in the verbose log, so
I can't even tell if the installer tried to install the cert or not.  Is
there something else I'm going wrong here, or is there another way to
install a certificate on a client machine?  I'm using the latest Wix 3
build with votive.  





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