Yes and no.  As a former SMS 2003 guy, I'd just use filemon to sniff out the 
extracted MSI location and break it out into it's own SMS package.  I rarely 
used setup chainers because SMS has it's own chaining tool.   You end up 
consuming less space on your distribution points, pull less bits ( pun intended 
for people who know what BITS is ) and you get better SMS status messages from 
the client when you let SMS own the chain. 
  Another reason for me insisting on extracting the MSI is for source 
resilency.  SMS can understand a relationship betwen an insalled application ( 
ProductCode ) and an MSI package sitting on a distribution point and 
automatically make it available to MSI if the DP is considered `local` to the 
subnet.  I've also written utilities that query the SMS database and add source 
points that are also considered `remote` to the subnet.
Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not familiar with the VS bootstrapper but if it could kick off an 
.exe, write a C# app to do the decryption and launch the MSI. From a 
network management perspective, what you have can't be deployed by SMS 
or other similar tools (assuming your CA runs from the UI).

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