I'm trying to push out a root CA cert in Wix v3 for an app that needs to
form TLS connections.  I found the iis:certificate element, so I'm
trying to define a feature that looks like this:


          <Component Id="RootCA"
Guid="EFA9E69C-32E5-4e54-AF4E-9166902E1F9B" Permanent="yes">


            <iis:Certificate Name="ChrisCA" Id='ChrisCA' Request='no'
StoreLocation='currentUser' StoreName='ca'/>



The thing is, I don't have any other IIS commands in the install, and
from what I've gathered from the archives, this means that the action
won't actually be executed.  If I want to install something in a user's
trusted CA store, is there a way to do it without writing a custom
action?  Even if I have to put some "do nothing" code in from the IIS
extension, that's fine as long as the end result is that the target
machine can accept certificates signed by my CA.  






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