If it is by design, then there is a problem with using WiXSqlExtension for
creating an installer for Vista/WS2008 because the *uninstallation* will
fail is you attempt to uninstall the product from Add/remove programs
because the custom actions to drop the database is getting executed as
immediate, unless you make the users use an elevated command prompt and
manually uninstall the product. (if you created a database using
WiXSqlExtension and have sqlstrings to drop the database.)

I am suspecting this issue might be only for the DropDatabase custom
actions, since CreateDatabase seems to work fine with UAC turned on during
the installation. The issue is only when it attempts to drop the database
during uninstallation.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Sajo Jacob wrote:
> I am using WiX, I am suspecting that the custom actions in
> WiXSqlExtension: CreateDatabase, DropDatabase, ExecuteSQLStrings and
> RollbackExecuteStrings are not getting deferred by default.
> I believe that's by design: The installing user's permission is needed
> because generally SQL Server uses Windows authentication.
> --
> sig://boBhttp://joyofsetup.com/
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